When you purchase from us, we donate 1% of each sale to environmental nonprofits.
What is 1% for the Planet?
1% for the Planet is a global network with thousands of businesses and environmental organisations working together to support people and the planet.
As a member of 1% for the Planet, you commit to donating at least 1% of annual sales directly to environmental organisations. 1% for the Planet certifies every donation to ensure businesses meet that commitment.
In 2002, Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, created the initiative as a way for businesses to hold themselves accountable for their environmental impact. Realising that, as a business, you are responsible for your footprint, they pledged to donate 1% of their annual sales—not profits—to environmental organisations. Since then, they’ve expanded globally and helped thousands of businesses give back.
Our involvement
Aligned with our brand values of giving back, we decided to commit to supporting one organisation rather than switching charities each year. 1% for the Planet has been on our radar for a while, having been specifically drawn to the idea of paying an environmental tax. We’re excited to join the global network of businesses contributing to meaningful causes.
"1% for the Planet was founded on the idea that a company has a responsibility to give back for using our planet’s resources. It started with that core idea, and more than 20 years later, they’re still helping businesses make good on their commitments."