Inside The New Shopping Bag – Paulien Cornelisse

We occasionally interview users of The New Shopping Bag or any other SUSAN BIJL product. From fan to fan, it’s always exciting to see one of our items connected to people whose work we admire.

We stumbled upon Paulien Cornelisse’s wonderful programme Tokidoki in Japan, which we thoroughly enjoyed watching, and later, Paulien herself wearing The New Raincoat in England. Time to celebrate our mutual interests and shine a light on the performer and writer. Paulien Cornelisse is known for her books ‘Taal is zeg maar echt mijn ding’, ‘En dan nog iets’ and her latest ‘Japan in honderd kleine stukjes’, among others. But you might also know her from her columns in De Volkskrant, her podcasts, theater shows or, as previously mentioned, the VPRO television programme Tokidoki. 

Describe yourself in three words.
Curious, but confused, but curious.

Where are you now?
Living in Sheffield (UK) for a year.

Tell us something about you and your SUSAN BIJL item.
I bought my raincoat before coming to the UK. Of course, it rains just as much in Holland, but I felt a new country needed a new coat. Sheffield is situated next to the lovely peak district. We go walking almost every weekend, and the raincoat is coming with me every time!

What ecological measures would you take if you ruled the world?
I have a fantasy of placing a giant herd of sheep on Dam Square (Amsterdam), then try to make the city as sheep friendly as possible. Also covering the whole city in moss would be nice. A side-consequence would be that all the sounds would be muffled. 

How do you brighten up your existence?
By walking, mostly, and by eating good food. Writing and performing make me happy as well. And playing with my kid. 

Which music have you been listening to recently?
To the choir ‘Roomful of teeth’, partita for 8 singers, composed by Caroline Shaw.

What’s your biggest loss?
Dear people who are no longer alive. On a lighter note: not being able to do a handstand anymore (which I did CONSTANTLY as a child).

What is your ultimate destination?
Looking back on a creative life in which I took care of the people I love.

Find out more about Paulien:

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