The New Generation – Rinke

The New Generation – Rinke

In light of our new ‘Leftover’ collection, we’ve approached The New Generation to get their perspective on the environment, and what brings colour to their lives. For this edition, 15 year old Rinke Sijbrands from Rotterdam answered our questions.

Describe yourself in three words.
Ambitious, dreamer, headstrong.

Tell us something about yourself and your hobby.
I’m very interested in people, I think, and I love skating.

What do you do to make the world a little bit prettier?
I try to admire the pretty things in the world. I think that’s very important for yourself.

What would you make of leftover fabrics?

Do you make an effort to use less plastic and reduce the stuff you use?
I always bring my own bags and reusable bottles.

Is there anyone who inspires you to act more environment-friendly?
My brother.

What will the world look like in 10 years from now?
Crowded, small and beautiful.

What would you change in this world?
That people have no prejudices but just try to learn from things and people.

Rinke is wearing The New Bum Bag in Black & Volvo. ‘Leftover’ will be available from November 22.
Photo by Jan Bijl.

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