Rotterdam Unlimited Zomercarnaval is the largest free street party in the Netherlands and will occur on July 27. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Zomercarnaval!
The celebrations will be even more extravagant; more groups will participate than ever before, and the parade will be bigger. With a route longer than 5 km, Rotterdam will be flooded by countless dancers in a wave of musical sounds, colour, joy, and an overload of glitter, glamour, and energy. Every year, the Street Parade shows that making an entire city centre dance is possible.

Our campaign, photographed by Jan Bijl, casting and styling by Isis Vaandrager, celebrates the vibrant and diverse festivities that make our city come alive—a small tribute to the unique cultural tapestry that defines our community.
In addition to these familiar highlights, Rotterdam Unlimited Zomercarnaval also offers programming at various venues around the city, including pop podium Annabel and Club Sahara. Here, you can enjoy a diverse program with performances by artists such as K-Liber, Boutcha Bwa, GIANT, Young Cosje and many more DJs and live bands.

Photography: Jan Bijl
Casting & Styling: Isis Vaandrager
Models: Orwin, Kathy, Riley, the Aruban Rhytym Brassband, Jaimerlee, DJ Puntj and Endy.